Elmar Brok MEP
Date of birth: 14th May 1946 (in Verl/Northrhine-Westfalia)
Family: married, three children
- Member of the European Parliament since 1980
- Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), Chairman from 1999 to 2007 and 2012 to January 2017
- Member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO)
- Substitute member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
- Deputy member of the European Committee of the German Bundestag
- Co-Chair of the Transatlantic Legislators´ Dialogue (TLD) the European Parliament and the US Congress (1999 – 2017)
- Co-Chairman of the TPN (Transatlantic Policy Network)
- Chairman of the World Association of Christian Democrat Parties (CDI)
- Member of the party executive of the EPP and Co-Chairman of the EPP-foreign minister.
- President of the European Union of Christian Democratic Workers (EUCDW)
- Member of the CDU Federal Board; Member of the Executive National Council of the CDU NRW
- Chairman of the CDU Federal Committee on European Policy (since 1989)
- Chairman of the board of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) (since 2012)
Other current function
- President in honour of the Europa Union Deutschland (EUD)
- President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF)
- Vice President of the board of trustees of the Institute for European Politics (IEP) and Chairman of the working group „Enlargement“
- Member of the executive committee of the German Council on Foreign Relation (DGAP) and Chairman of the study group ‚European Policy‘
- Member of the Board of Marienschule Bielefeld Foundation
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees of St. Hedwig Heimvolkshochschule
- Member of trustees of Volksbank Paderborn-Hoxter-Detmold Cultural Foundation
- Honorary Chairman of the CDU East Westphalia-Lippe (Chairman of 1996-2012)
- President of the German-Hungarian Forum
Former political positions:
- Representatives of the European Parliament at the European Council negotiations on the establishment of a genuine economic and monetary union and Sherpa for the five-presidential paper and in the Brexit-negotiations (2016)
- European Parliament Nnegotiator for the establishment of the European External Action Service, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and European Parliament representative for the negotiation of the fiscal compact (2011/2012)
- EPP-representative for the European Parliament at the Intergovernmental Conferences for the
- Treaty of Lisbon (2007)
- EU Constitutional Treaty (2003/2004)
- Treaty of Nice (2000)
- Treaty of Amsterdam (1996/97)
- Council’s Reflection Group preparing the Maastricht Treaty (1994/1995)
- 2001/2002: Chairman of the EPP-ED group in the EU-Constitutional Convention
- 1999-2007 Rapporteur in Chief of the EP for the EU Enlargement
- 1994-1999 Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the working group ‚Foreign Affairs‘ of the EPP group
- 1994-1999 Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Working Group of the EPP Group
- 2009-2012 Foreign Policy Spokesman of the EPP Group
- 1990 Chairman of the EPP in the Special Committee on German Unification
- 1987-1994 Spokesman on Social Policy of the EPP group
- 1984-1987 Chairman of the working group ‚Social Policy‘ of the EPP group
- Deputy Chairman of the Junge Union (1973-1981)
- Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Democrat Youth Committee of Europe (DEMYC) (1977-1981)
- Vice Chairman of the International Democrat Union (IDU 1991-2003)
- Founding Chairman of the International Democrat Youth Union (IYDU)
- Studied law and political science, among others the „Centre of European Governmental Studies“ at the University of Edinburgh
- Training as a radio journalist
- Journalistic work for radio and newspapers.
- Senior Vice-President Media Development Bertelsmann AG (1991-2011)
- Advisor to the Bertelsmann Chairman (2011-2014)
- As Bertelsmann employee Secretary General of the European Film Company Association and the Global Business Dialogue for Electronic Commerce
Stand: 2019