
Elmar Brok comments on the state of the Brexit negotiations after the negotiation’s fifth round

Elmar Brok, the Brexit coordinator of the European People’s Party and the Brexit Sherpa in the European Parliament, comments on today’s press conference after the fifth round of the Brexit negotiations. This week Elmar Brok met for a longer conversation with the UK’s Brexit-negotiator David Davis:

I welcome the fact that further progress has been made in the fifth round of the Brexit negotiations and that the discussions have taken place in a good atmosphere. At the same time I regret the fact that sufficient progress in the negotiations has not been achieved yet and that the second phase of the negotiations cannot be started in October. I see with deep concern that the British government still does not take fully seriously its obligation to fulfil its financial commitments. If sufficient progress is not made in November, it will also not be possible to start the second phase of the negotiations at the European Council meeting in December.