
In spite of massive obstructions: success of the Ukrainian opposition

„In spite of massive obstructions, the Ukrainian opposition has still obtained a good result in the parliamentary elections“, stated the Spokesman on Foreign Affairs of the European People’s Party Elmar Brok (CDU/EPP). Despite considerable support from the state apparatus, on all, even local, levels the party of the Regions of president Yanukovych received only one third of the votes.

Almost all international election observers have stated that the elections have neither been free nor fair. „The leaders of the opposition in prison, unbearable pressure on regional opposition candidates, an extreme bias of the TV-coverage, buying of votes, and incorrect staffing of the electoral commission are only some of the examples, said Brok, who is also Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the European Parliament.

„The electoral law, the counting of candidates with a direct mandate, the transmission of the respective results as well as cyber attacks on NGOs that observed the elections are additional issues that need to be examined“, Brok stated further.

For further information:
Elmar Brok MEP, Tel.: +32-2-2845323

Lasse Böhm, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-484-656897